Friday, January 13, 2012

Dr. Dre, Oscar de la Renta: PETA Bashes Fur Headphones

undefinedIlya S. Savenok, Getty Images
Dr. Dre recently unveiled a fashion-friendly version of his Beats by Dre headphones, which feature an ear muff-like design created by famed designer Oscar de la Renta. While his fans and trendy style enthusiasts everywhere are eager to get their hands on the $695 item, animal rights organization PETA is urging the rapper-producer to stop using the silver fox fur decorating the outside of the earpieces.

PETA representative Michelle Cho wrote an open letter to the 'Detox' creator. In it, she details the cruelty that animals endure as part of the fashion process.

"We wanted to get in touch to urge you to keep fur and exotic-animal skins out of your Beats by Dre designs. Foxes, minks, rabbits, and other animals-including cats and dogs-are bludgeoned, genitally electrocuted, strangled with wire nooses, drowned, and even skinned alive for their pelts. Most animals killed for their fur are slaughtered in China, where there are no penalties for those who abuse animals on fur farms," she wrote.

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