Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fleet Foxes Drummer J. Tillman Leaves Band After Four Years

Sean Pecknold
J. Tillman, drummer of Fleet Foxes, is heading for greener pastures, or so he hopes. He made the announcement via his Tumblr, bidding goodbye after joining in 2008: "Farewell Fleet Fans and Friends. Back into the gaping maw of obscurity I go."

"Tokyo is my last show with the Foxes," he continued. The show takes place Friday night (Jan. 20), so if you're a fan in the Tokyo metropolitan area or have a lot of airline miles on your hands, then you know where to be. Though he hasn't made it clear exactly what he will be doing post-Foxes, the guy is a veritable folk Swiss Army Knife, he has maintained a steady stream of releases since 2004 and has toured with David Bazan and Damien Jurado.

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