Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weakerthan's John K. Samson Goes Solo, Ponders 'Provincial' Roads and Occupy

John K SamsonANTI-
It's hard to imagine Bruce Springsteen being from anywhere other than New Jersey, and in much the same way, John K. Samson's affiliation with his home province of Manitoba has become the stuff of CanRock legend.

As frontman for the Weakerthans since the band's formation in 1997, Samson's lyrics have often exposed harsh truths about life in and around Winnipeg. But over the past two years, Samson has been edging even closer into Springsteen-themed territory with solo recordings directly inspired by Manitoba roads. These now provide the backbone of 'Provincial,' Samson's first full-length solo venture since a 1993 cassette recorded while he was still a part of Winnipeg punk institution Propagandhi.

"My idea for this record was, if someone had a couple of days free, they could come to me and I could take them to the site of each song," Sampson tells Spinner, noting that much of the album's subject matter, such as the notorious history of the Ninette, Manitoba tuberculosis sanitorium, and a petition to get Riverton, Manitoba NHL star Reggie Leach into the Hockey Hall of Fame, was ultimately fleshed out by his unquenchable thirst for gathering details.

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